Message from our Chief Sourcing Officer

We live in an increasingly global world. Disruptive technologies, mass commoditization of products and services, effacement of broad trade protectionism, economic growth of developing nations, exponential penetration of internet has meant the status quo does not hold. Giants like GE who were once US bell weather companies conduct more business overseas than in the US. Companies need to explore the global footprint if they want to grow and succeed in the future. Globalization is inevitable and to stay.

With global expansion comes the need for having the right talent to execute. Acquiring talent globally is a major challenge and hurdle for companies that cannot afford or do not see the sense of running full time international recruiting operations. Every country is different with different laws, work environments and customs. What works in the US does not work else where - and that is guaranteed! Standardization is not the norm here. Customization needs to happen across the complete talent acquisition process starting right from the strategy phase to execution. As an example - the ubiquitous job description has to be customized per country, per region.
Global recruiting needs global recruiting expertise to succeed. Companies need to be actively sourcing for talent. Using a range of tools and processes they need to maximize out reach and connect with passive talent. Talent hunting needs to be an ongoing process else it become a reactive, candidate chasing process which usually ends in compromise with bad hiring decisions.

Some companies seem to have short term amnesia when it comes to sourcing and hiring talent. Every time a new requisition comes out no attempt is made to determine if something similar came up in the past. Without having the right tools and with recruiter turnover sometimes this is not possible. However in the majority of cases no working details are captured, no learnings analyzed and no pipelines built. So it is always back to he drawing board starting from ground zero up. Precious time and resources are wasted when no synergetic benefits are sought. Expectations of the end customer are also compromised. Companies need to have a comprehensive solution to acquiring talent. The scenario applies more so in the global world where the environment is much more complex.

Today sourcing has been bundled with recruiting for the wrong reasons. The typical ATS does not recognize sourcing as a unique activity. Recruiters are asked to do more with less and this includes the sourcing part. However, sourcing is very different from recruiting. They are diametrically opposite to each other. A recruiter cannot efficiently recruit and source at the same time. Sourcing needs to be an independent process that finds the right talent for the recruiters to close. As a RPO sourcing firm we help your company with the sourcing part. We find the talent for your recruiters to close. We find. You close. A winning combination!!

Raj Bhargava
Chief Sourcing Officer
Dallas, Texas 


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